
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Name The People

Can You Name the People, place, time?


Jennifer said...

I'm guessing it's in Crossville @ the state park...I can identify everyone exceot the kid sitting in front of Pappy????

Judy said...

I don't think it's Ricky, he's on the right of Susan Grimes, who's in front of Pappy. And wasn't Mark Grimes blonde?

Joyce said...

The dark headed kid in front of Pappy was someone that Jimmy and Pat brought. A friend from church or something.

Judy said...

Wheh!! I was afraid it was one of mine that I just couldn't place! I'm getting nothing done at work ,just playing with my blog. Who would have thought it would be this addictive?

Jason Reagan said...

What the hell did you people feed me?

I look like a Save the Children Poster!

I know, I wasn't what was fed but what I WOULDN'T EAT.

Jason Reagan said...

Whose the person in the red/blue shirt between Papaw Grimes and Meemaw?

Also, I think the brown kid was later discovered to be an early member of al-Qaida sent to pry nuclear secrets from Pappy. The kid was discovered and later tied to the front-end loader or sent to live in exile with Poss McCormick.

Emily said...

I was gonna ask the same that Joel? Also, I don't recognize hardly any of the kids on the front row...with the exception of Jason.

Jennifer said...

L to R front row....Paula, Mark Grimes, kid we don't know, Susan Grimes, I'm assuming Ricky Grimes w/Jaon in front of him, Kim Pippin holding Amy..and I'm the stone col fox on the end!!!
That is Joel nest to Popaw(sp)..I don't remember him being that blonde!!!

Judy said...

Jason, you survived mostly on celery and honey watah best I remember. What I love about this family photo is Pappy's glasses, Sue Pippin's hairdo and Joel's aviator cap or whatever it is he has on his 'ead.